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China Glaze Mahogany Magic!...

Mahogany Magic 14 mL
Php 350 / US$ 8.05

Hi! Sorry I didn't blog that much last week. I cut my nails too short and they didn't look that good in my photos. I'm still waiting for them to grow a little bit more before I do some nail art. Luckily, I found some swatches of China Glaze's Mahogany Magic that I took before I made "the cut". lol.

Mahogany Magic is a brown creme that strongly reminds me of melted chocolate. I really thought this was the choco shade in my stash but then Mahogany Magic came along. I mean, just yum! I applied two coats and skipped the top coat because it was very shiny on its own. (It's so shiny I could see my hand's reflection in the photo below).
Again, yummm! lol. Anyway, we went to the land of nail art paraphernalia (aka Divisoria) yesterday. I went nuts roaming around and I still can't feel my legs and feet. Haha. I sort of felt like I was floating around the whole day today (they were that numb, lol). I think I need to try and sleep it off after finding a comfy position. Thanks for dropping by! I'll catch up on your blogs tomorrow! Good bye and I'll see you again soon!

I received a wonderful email from one of my readers a week ago (before the disastrous cut). I promise I'll post a look for you soon! Hehe. I'm just looking for the perfect colors.

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