I had a couple of requests for this scenario... this was not written for publication, only for our club use. However, no reason not to share it.... not everything is spelled out, so players would have to work some of the finer details out themselves. As for victory, it really comes down to agreeing before the battle to look only at the casualty ratio for determining which player(s) won the game.
This is written for 4 players, the "command" player has bonus activations which are distributed before the beginning of each turn.
Now, I tried to incorporate names where I could... I do not know for sure exactly where every individual was at, so my naming of models should be taken with a grain of salt, delete names or rearrange as you see fit. The names are where I am most inaccurate.... but I do not have a source giving me the exact unit placement of each combatant.
In a related view, weapons are assigned as best I could determine, using the miniatures I have (for this type of game, it is very important that the figures are appropriate, that all players can see who is armed with what). I am fairly certain the British were using M-79s, but I have no models with M-79s, so have written in M16/M203 combinations instead. Once again, this can be changed as you need, as long as you are not adding in additional machineguns, or heavier weapons (mortars for example, which were not employed in this battle).
For our initial After Action Report of this scenario, see here.
© Chalfant Conley, Iron Ivan Games, 2014
Skirmish at Top Malo House
31 May 1982, Falklands
31 May 1982, Falklands
Argentine Forces
1st Assault Section, 602 Commando Company…… First Floor Forces
Command: 5 Activations, +2 Bonus Activations (ACTIVATE 1)
Hand Grenades
Commander | ||||
Soldier | ACC | CC | GUTS | T&E |
Captain Verseci: FAL, HP-35 | 5 | 6 | 10 | +0/Rally |
601 Scout (attached to 602) | ||||
Soldier | ACC | CC | GUTS | T&E |
1st Sgt Helguero: FAL | 5 | 6 | 8 | +0 |
1st Team | ||||
Soldier | ACC | CC | GUTS | T&E |
1st Sgt Esbert: FAL | 5 | 6 | 9 | +0/Rally |
Sgt Pedrozo: FAL | 5 | 6 | 8 | +0/Medic |
Gunner: FAP LMG | 5 | 6 | 6 | +0 |
Grenadier: FAL, Rifle Grenades | 5 | 6 | 6 | +0 |
If extra sentries are deployed, 1st Sgt Helguero is the first extra sentry to deploy.
Argentine Weapons:
Name Type Range ROF AP MM Special
HP-35 Pistol 10” 1 5 (+1) -
PA3 SMG 15” 3 5 - -
FAL Assault 30” 3 8 - -
FAP HB LMG LMG 48” 3 8 -2 Jam (10)
Rifle Grenade Grenade 30” 1 (1) -1 Blast (3”)
.300 Weatherby Sniper Rifle 48” 1 8 -2 +1 ACC
Skirmish at Top Malo House
31 May 1982, Falklands
31 May 1982, Falklands
Argentine Forces
1st Assault Section, 602 Commando Company…… Second Floor Forces
Command: 4 Activations (ACTIVATE 1)
Hand Grenades
Executive Officer | ||||
Soldier | ACC | CC | GUTS | T&E |
Lt. Losito: PA3 SMG, HP-35 | 5 | 6 | 9 | +0/Rally |
Sniper (Marksman*) | ||||
Soldier | ACC | CC | GUTS | T&E |
Lt. Espinosa: Weatherby .300, HP-35 | 5 (6) | 6 | 9 | +0/Rally |
*Unlike a normal Sniper, a Marksman has only a +1 ACC
2nd Team | ||||
Soldier | ACC | CC | GUTS | T&E |
Lt Brun: FAL, HP-35 | 5 | 6 | 9 | +0 |
Corporal: FAL | 5 | 6 | 7 | +0 |
RTO: FAL | 5 | 6 | 6 | +0 |
Grenadier: FAL, Rifle Grenades | 5 | 6 | 6 | +0 |
If extra sentries are deployed, the Corporal from 2nd Team is the second extra sentry to deploy.
Argentine Weapons:
Name Type Range ROF AP MM Special
HP-35 Pistol 10” 1 5 (+1) -
PA3 SMG 15” 3 5 - -
FAL Assault 30” 3 8 - -
FAP HB LMG LMG 48” 3 8 -2 Jam (10)
Rifle Grenade Grenade 30” 1 (1) -1 Blast (3”)
.300 Weatherby Sniper Rifle 48” 1 8 -2 +1 ACC
Skirmish at Top Malo House
31 May 1982, Falklands
31 May 1982, Falklands
British Forces
British Forces: Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre…… Assault Force
Command: 6 Activations, +5 Bonus Activations (ACTIVATE 2)
Hand Grenades
Commander | ||||
Soldier | ACC | CC | GUTS | T&E |
Capt. Boswell: Sterling SMG, HP-35 | 5 | 6 | 12 | +2/Rally |
CSgt Montgomery: M16A1/M203 | 5 | 6 | 10 | +1/Rally |
RTO: SLR, Radio | 5 | 6 | 7 | +0 |
**Colour Sergeant (only) has 1x M72 LAW
Section Leader | ||||
Soldier | ACC | CC | GUTS | T&E |
Sergeant Doyle: M16A1, HP-35 | 5 | 6 | 9 | +1/Rally |
1st Team | ||||
Soldier | ACC | CC | GUTS | T&E |
Sergeant Stone: M16A1 | 5 | 6 | 9 | +0 |
Grenadier: M16A1/M203 | 5 | 6 | 7 | +0/Medic |
Gunner: L4 Bren, HP-35 | 5 | 6 | 7 | +0 |
Private: SLR | 5 | 6 | 7 | +0/Asst |
**Team has 2 M72 LAW
2nd Team | ||||
Soldier | ACC | CC | GUTS | T&E |
Corporal Barnacle: M16A1/M203 | 5 | 6 | 8 | +0 |
Private: M16A1 | 5 | 6 | 7 | +0 |
Private: M16A1 | 5 | 6 | 7 | +0 |
Private: SLR | 5 | 6 | 7 | +0 |
**Team has 2 M72 LAW
British Weapons:
Name Type Range ROF AP MM Special
HP-35 Pistol 10” 1 5 (+1) -
Sterling SMG 15” 3 5 - -
M16A1 Assault 24” 3 7 - -
SLR Semi-Auto 30” 2 8 - -
L4 Bren LMG LMG 48” 3 8 -2 Jam (10)
L7 MAG LMG LMG 48” 5 8 -3 Jam (10)
M203 Grenade 24” 1 (1) -1 Blast (3”)
L42 Sniper Rifle 48” 1 8 -2 +2 ACC
M72 LAW AT 24”/36” 1 (1) -1 Blast
Skirmish at Top Malo House
31 May 1982, Falklands
31 May 1982, Falklands
British Forces
British Forces: Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre…… Fire Force
Command: 6 Activations (ACTIVATE 1)
Hand Grenades
Executive Officer | ||||
Soldier | ACC | CC | GUTS | T&E |
Lt. Murray M16A1, HP-35 | 5 | 6 | 11 | +2/Rally |
Sgt. McLean: M16A1 | 5 | 6 | 9 | +1/Rally |
**Sgt McLean (only) has 1x M72 LAW
Sniper** | ||||
Soldier | ACC | CC | GUTS | T&E |
Cpl Groves: L42A1, HP-35 | 5 (7) | 6 | 8 | +0 |
** A successful hit results in a casualty on a 1 or 2. Sniper is +2 ACC. Sniper is always a further -1 ACC to hit.
3rd Team | ||||
Soldier | ACC | CC | GUTS | T&E |
Corporal: M16A1 | 5 | 6 | 8 | +0 |
Lance Corporal: M16A1/M203 | 5 | 6 | 8 | +0 |
Gunner: L7 MAG, HP-35 | 5 | 6 | 7 | +0 |
Private: SLR | 5 | 6 | 7 | +0/Asst |
**Team has 2 M72 LAW
British Weapons:
Name Type Range ROF AP MM Special
HP-35 Pistol 10” 1 5 (+1) -
Sterling SMG 15” 3 5 - -
M16A1 Assault 24” 3 7 - -
SLR Semi-Auto 30” 2 8 - -
L4 Bren LMG LMG 48” 3 8 -2 Jam (10)
L7 MAG LMG LMG 48” 5 8 -3 Jam (10)
M203 Grenade 24” 1 (1) -1 Blast (3”)
L42 Sniper Rifle 48” 1 8 -2 +2 ACC
M72 LAW AT 24”/36” 1 (1) -1 Blast
Skirmish at Top Malo House
31 May 1982, Falklands
31 May 1982, Falklands
Table Set Up:
Standard 4x6 table, place Malo House roughly in the middle of the table. The stream should be about 18-20" behind Malo House, the low rise that Capt Boswell is approaching from should be on the British right, beginning about 20" from Malo House, closer to the British table side. The peat diggings should be placed to the British right of Malo house, within 9" - 12", midway down the table.
Effectively there is no other appreciable terrain. You may place an out building as you see fit.
Effectively there is no other appreciable terrain. You may place an out building as you see fit.
Miniature Set up:
Argentine forces start within Malo House, split between an upper floor group, and a lower floor group. If deployed, Lt. Espinosa will be in an upper story window. The additional sentries, if any, are deployed outside of the building, within 6” of the building. Prior to the game start, the Argentine commander must roll a d10, and review these results:
1: Deploys 2 extra sentries, along with Lt. Espinosa. British must move onto the table, Argentine forces have 3 models from each force start Pinned.
2: Deploys 1 extra sentry, along with Lt. Espinosa. British begin in normal starting positions. Argentine forces have 3 models from each force start Pinned.
3-9: Only Lt. Espinosa is deployed as a sentry. British begin in normal starting positions. Argentine forces have 3 models from each force start Pinned.
10: No sentries at all. British may begin no closer than 24” from Malo House, on any side but not past the lateral line of Malo House (in other words, not behind Malo House), in which case they may be entering the table sides, or always in their intended starting positions. Argentine forces have 4 models from each force start Pinned.
Normal British starting position will be with the Fire Force deployed along the fence line to the British left, about 30" from Malo House, and with the Assault Force behind the low rise to the British right, about 24" from Malo House (the rise starts about 20" from Malo House, and should be be 4" - 6" wide where the British are crossing it).
Malo House blocks line of sight, offers -2 Light cover, and models inside can only fire from (or be fired at) from the shown windows or doors of the building. Models within the house not at a window or door may still be targeted, but at -3, and they can only be Pinned, not Killed.
Any models that either do not move, or sneak only, across the open ground can claim to be taking cover in the rough Falklands terrain, and this is a -1 Concealment cover. Any model that maneuvers (2 movement actions) or runs (3 movement actions) can not claim this Concealment, and is marked with a blue token. Models inside of other terrain (Malo House, the stony run, or the peat diggings) are not affected by this.
Any models that either do not move, or sneak only, across the open ground can claim to be taking cover in the rough Falklands terrain, and this is a -1 Concealment cover. Any model that maneuvers (2 movement actions) or runs (3 movement actions) can not claim this Concealment, and is marked with a blue token. Models inside of other terrain (Malo House, the stony run, or the peat diggings) are not affected by this.
The peat digs, if occupied offer a -1 cover no matter the movement of the model.
The stony stream run offers a -2 Light cover to models with in it, except if fired at from less than 12”, in which case the cover is only -1 Concealment, regardless of the movement of the model.
Activations per Pulse:
All forces activate 1 element per pules, except for the British Assault Force, which can Activate 2 elements per pulse. This represents the larger force being used, and the greater aggressive coordination of the MAW vs the 602.
M72 LAW versus Malo House:
British may fire M72 LAW at the building at upto 36” range, though at more than 24”, they may not target anyone inside of the building (in other words, there is no effective blast against the occupants). Any hit against an occupant (not just the building) is handled normally, but there is NO confined explosion bonus (the house is too flimsy to help the blast in this regard).
When firing from 24” or less a “6” will miss the occupants, but not the building.
All hits against the building with M72 LAW have a potential of setting the building on fire (due to its type of construction, the house would be very difficult to directly destroy with light AT rockets). The effect is cumulative, with increasing chances:
When firing from 24” or less a “6” will miss the occupants, but not the building.
All hits against the building with M72 LAW have a potential of setting the building on fire (due to its type of construction, the house would be very difficult to directly destroy with light AT rockets). The effect is cumulative, with increasing chances:
1 hit, set fire on 1-2
2 and 3 hits, set fire on 1-3 (each)
4 and 5 hits, set fire on 1-4 (each)
6 and further hits, set fire on 1-5 (each)
If the Malo House is set on fire, the Argentine players have until the end of that same turn to exit the building. Any model left in the building at the end of the turn is forced from the building in Pinned status (within 3” of ground level door). Furthermore, those models must be rolled for as casualties, with an AP of 2.
No other weapons (M203, rifle grenades, hand grenades) can set the building on fire. None of these other weapons gains a confined space explosion bonus either.
Special Medic Rule:
Medic models in base to base contact with a casualty model may spend one action determining the status of the casualty…. Roll below as if for after-game Victory, with the medic modifier, to see if the model is KIA, WIA, or only Stunned. These models do NOT roll again for that wound at the end of the game (unless the model becomes a casualty again), however, a model that is determined to be Stunned is re-entered on the table as a non-casualty, in Pinned status. These recovered Stunned models are then not used to determine the casualty ratio.
It would be very unlikely for the Argentine forces to win this battle. Any that flee are bound to run into other British forces posted on the hill immediately behind them. The method of judging victory will be a comparison to the actual casualties suffered. In the historical engagement, the British suffered 3 WIA, the Argentines suffered 2 KIA and 6 WIA, the rest captured. The historical ratio is 3:8 casualties (all types). You may consider the severity of the wounds (more Killed, more light Wounded), but the ratio of all casualties should be the overriding factor.
At the end of the game, each model on both sides previously removed as a casualty must roll for result:
At the end of the game, each model on both sides previously removed as a casualty must roll for result:
1-2 KIA
3-4 WIA, Severe
5-9 WIA, Light
10 Stunned, not WIA
If either medic (British or Argentine) is not a casualty when you begin rolling, 9-10 are Stunned, not WIA.
The Argentine player may capitulate at the end of a turn when it becomes obvious that they can not achieve a ratio result better than historical... but does not have to. They may NOT capitulate when they have a better than historical casualty ratio. The British player may withdraw at the end of a turn if they have a worse than historical casualty ration, but do not have to.
Otherwise, the scenario ends when all Argentine troops are either casualties, have fled the table, or are currently Pinned at the end of any turn. The scenario can also end if all British troops are casualties or are currently Pinned at the end of any turn.
Otherwise, the scenario ends when all Argentine troops are either casualties, have fled the table, or are currently Pinned at the end of any turn. The scenario can also end if all British troops are casualties or are currently Pinned at the end of any turn.
The casualty ratio will NOT include models that “recover” from being stunned, so there is a possibility of unexpected results.
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