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Toyin's suspected Killer Aaron Glee's mom reveals that he confessed of the killings to her

49 year-old Aaron Glee who was as arrested for killing Olawutoyin Salau 19, and Victoria Sims 75, confesses to his mom on how he killed the both of them, his mom, Sandra Cutliff revealed this to Daily Mail.

She revealed that after he committed the Murder, he called her and revealed that he killed Toyin after he offered a shower and she asked for Molly, on his refusal to give her Mollies, she bit him and called him a fat a**Ni**er and that enraged him and he killed her.

He reportedly killed Victoria Sims when she visited him after his first murder allegations, where she called him a slob, which enraged him then he killed her, as explained by his mom. Victoria Sims was a volunteer of AARP Florida and a member of Tallahassee Height United Methodist Church. She reportedly sometimes cooked for Aaron Glee, and made sure he looked after himself and get Government services.

His mum revealed that Aaron did not sexually assault Victoria and that he didn't have a car, he offered her a shower in his house when they met in a bus.

She also revealed that he suffered from mental health problems and has been on a downward spiral into psychotic break over the last few weeks.

The City of Tallahassee police released pictures of the house where Victoria and Toyin's body were found.

Victoria Sims was last seen June 11 and Toyin June 6. Toyin was declared missing after protesting on the streets of Florida in a black lives matter protest and taking to twitter to explain that later that day, she was sexually assaulted by a man who pretended to be a man of God.

Aaron Glee's records show that he has an extensive criminal history dating back to 1989, including connections for robbery, grand theft auto, credit card fraud, throwing a deadly missile at a building and forging bills.

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