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Things I'm Loving: January

I cannot believe January has already come and gone. I swear the months fly by! Anyone else feel like this or is it just me? January was a pretty good month for me, favorites wise. I have a little of this and a little of that. If you're already thinking, "Sam where are all your movies for the month?" I have an answer. I had a bunch of movies that I loved for January and decided to have them in their own post. That will be up within the next couple of days, so not to worry. Now on to my favorites!

No. 1: Just mascara//
I've been loving just wearing mascara as the only eye products this month. It's simple but still polished and very feminine. I've only worn mascara when I'm going out somewhere 'fancy'. 

No. 2: Maybelline Baby Skin Pore Eraser//
I've had this product for awhile and rediscovered it and OHMYGOSH how have I gone so long without it is beyond me. It's a 'primer' that visually reduces the size of your pores. I have larger pores on my cheeks, chin, between my eyebrows and nose and this product does wonders on making them appear smaller! I honestly do see a difference. If you're looking for something to help your pore size, try this out! And it's from the drugstore so it won't cost you an arm and a leg! 

No. 3: Kids of 88//
I found this band while watching Teen Wolf. They're an electro-pop Australian duo and I'm obsessed with their music. Their sound is upbeat and makes you wanna get up and jam out. Listen for yourself here via Spotify.

No. 4: Lessons from Madame Chic//
This was the first book I've read in awhile and it has become my new lifestyle Bible. Everything mentioned in it was spot on to my life. I actually have a whole post/review about it where you can read my thoughts about it. Oh and see where the author, Jennifer Scott commented on my post. I still don't believe it happened. 

No. 5: Alexi Murdoch//
Another artist I fell in love with while watching Teen Wolf. His music is very calm, mellow and folksy. It's the perfect music for a rainy day or a nice fall walk. His song Towards the Sun is one of my favorite 'slow' songs. It's so peaceful. You can listen to him here via Spotify. 

No. 6: Frat Collection Mention//
I posted this photo 

on my Instagram on the first day of Spring Classes last week and tagged Frat Collection in the photo. They saw this and regrammed it to their Insta and tweeted it out. I was so honored to be featured by them and may have fangirled a bit |read: a bunch| when I found it. It kinda made my month. Huge thank you to them! You guys are awesome!

No. 7: Heart & Arrow Design Instagram Class//
You don't follow Whitney Blake on Instagram you're seriously missing out. She's a blogger, business lady and brand designer who's kicking butt and taking names! I've been following her for a bit now and when she opened up her first ever class on how to create a beautiful and branded Insta I jumped at the chance to learn more! The class was super informative and I did learn a lot. Since then I've been working on taking the things she taught me and putting them into action. Check out my Insta to see! 
Whitney is such a sweet person and makes you feel like you're best friends. I would love to meet with her one day and chat about all things Insta and bloggery. 
She has seats available for her February 26th class! Read more about it here!
Check Whitney out on her Instagrampersonal blog, business Instagramwebsite and Etsy store

No. 8: Police Officer Shakin It Off//
I'm sure you've seen this video by now and if you haven't you're in for a treat! My favorite part is when someone is walking on the sidewalk and he slows down and waves then once he's passed them he breaks out in song and dance. I couldn't stop smiling and chuckling while watching it. It's the perfect thing if you're needing a pick me up or something to put a smile on your face. 

Those are all my favorites for this month! A nice little spread dont'cha think? My movies of the month post will be coming along shortly so be on the look out for it! 

What did you love for the month of January? Anything you didn't like? Leave me a comment letting me know! :) 

"these are a few of my favorite things"

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