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'The Moon Is Following Me' | Lifestyle - The Baytown Sun

'The Moon Is Following Me' | Lifestyle - The Baytown Sun

'The Moon Is Following Me' | Lifestyle - The Baytown Sun

Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:00 PM PDT

The Moon Is Following Me, written and illustrated by Jo Strls, Fantoria, 2019, Ages 4-8 


What an imagination! Jo Strls puts himself in a little boy's mind. No who is who is not quite a moon watcher could imagine such a situation.  Most adults would hardly personify the moon, but this little boy in his big black-rimmed glasses allows no one to convince him he is wrong.

Everywhere he goes he keeps thinking and thinking. The more he thinks the surer he is that he is being followed by the moon. 

Parents as usual laugh at this crazy little kid. So does his big brother. He wonders if the moon is angry at him for eating cheese sandwiches all day long. 

Mama, like all mamas, reasons with him. "Why would the moon follow you?" After considering a ten-legged space cow and a suspicious looking telescope, he resorted to yelling at the moon very loudly. "Stop Following Me, Moon!"

In conclusion, he imagines the moon as a super-hero that saves him from monsters in the dark.  He gives the moon a mask and a cloak to help it in flight.

The illustrations were almost too dark, but they do make a contrast between the world and the moon. The story is humorous to 4 to 8 year-olds children. They will enjoy knowing more than the character.

All this nonsense started when Jo Strls was adding continents and floating mountains to Fantoria, a world he created for imaginary beings. Joe now lives and works in Los Angeles, CA and sometimes in Fantoria. Look for the mystical portal access to and from the Frantoriverse.  


JoAn Martin is a retired teacher with five published novels. Reach her at Josbook@mindspring.com or www.josbooks.com





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