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SAG Awards 2013: The Good!

Oh hello there! My dear readers, I'm so sorry I've left you in the lurch for the past couple of weeks. The truth is that I got overwhelmed and then I got sick and that's just what it is. BUT it's your lucky week because the SAG Awards happened this past Sunday and we have plenty of looks to judge - my favorite! Let's get going, shall we?


Freida Pinto (seen here with Dev Patel)!
Loooooove. Love this color on her, love the cowl neck, love the belt, love the cute boy on her arm. Oh, Dev. You are the best accessory ever.

Kelly Osbourne!
This is one of the best looks I've ever seen on her. Classic, sophisticated yet still edgy, glam to the max.  Girl, ALWAYS wear that lip color with that hair color - yes!

Naomi Watts!
This is how you say "I'm a bright, shining star and you should hire me" without speaking.

Claire Danes!
Now, I realize this may be a controversial pick for The Good, but I luh-ove this ... almost completely. I don't love the one sleeve. But I love the detail on the slit, I love the swooping shoulder thingy (technical term), I love the mid-90s makeup, I love the cocktail ring, I love the fit. Well done, Danes. You may now rest until Emmy season.

Alfre Woodard!
Let's make a pact right now: let's all be 60 and know exactly what color to wear and how to look like a fucking legend. Deal?

Jim Parsons!
Jim, darling, you are perfect. Don't change a thing. This tux is interesting, fits like a dream, and may make me reconsider my across-the-board hatred of grey tuxes. Hands out of your pockets, though, you're making your vest look weirdish.

Elisabeth Moss!
Could use a necklace, but otherwise perfection. I'll take one of everything.

Mayim Bialik!
Personal best! Wear this to everything, honey. EVERYTHING.

Tina Fey!
Confirmation that our pretend best friend hired a new, great stylist: I named the photo file for this "La Fey." CUAN, but maybe, I don't know, maybe the belt is enough? That is one awesome belt... No. I always want a necklace with a strapless gown.

And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile. And you may find yourself STILL preparing for a David Byrne biopic. And you may find yourself wearing a perfectly tailored tux. And you may ask yourself, My god! How good do I look!?

Michelle Dockery!
Gorgeous cut, beautiful styling, and an impressively small amount of limo wrinkles for a satin dress. Snaps all around!

Justin Timberlake!
My dear readers, this is what we call Advanced Suiting for Men. It is expertly fitted, visually interesting, a great color for him, and fits his somewhat whimsical attitude. Looking good, ya old married man.

Jessica Chastain!
 I would like to remind you that we grade on a curve here. She has dressed so...sadly lately that I can't help but bump her into The Good for this one. Classic shape, great color, beautiful hair, and look at that ice around her neck! Here's the ding and it's a lesson for us all: no one should ever be able to see the outline of your belly button in a gown. Still: greatly improved. Keep going, girl!

Helen Hunt!
ALSO greatly improved. This dress fits her like a dream, it's not just your typical sequined strapless, she paired it with an interesting necklace and fabulously breezy hair! I am so happy! My only minor tweak would be a pop-o-color bag. Maybe something dusky rose or deep purple?

Amy Poehler!
Effortlessly fabulous. Beautiful.

Viola Davis!
Great cut, great color, great shoes, great makeup, great accessories. If Martians ever arrive and say, "Take me to your leader," I'm taking them straight to Viola.

Marion Cotillard!
The first thing that came to mind when I saw this was traditional Korean dresses, though obviously updated in a couture kind of way. The second thing that came to mind is how stunning she looks. Absolutely nailed it.

Kiernan Shipka!
If you're a long time reader, you will not be surprised that Kiernan is once again my pick for best dressed. Everything about this is perfect perfect perfect. It almost brings a tear to my eye - a gorgeous Oscar with very ladylike heels - our little girl is growing up! Don't change, Kiernan - just keep it simple and classic. You are the best.

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